Hefei Huasheng Pumps & Valves Co., Ltd berkomitmen pada industrialisasi peralatan mesin fluida kelas atas, menyediakan pompa dan katup profesional yang disesuaikan untuk berbagai aplikasi di seluruh dunia.
Hefei Huasheng mengintegrasikan teknologi canggih seperti AI, data besar, dan IoT untuk mencapai proses produksi yang cerdas, otomatis, dan dipersonalisasi, yang meningkatkan efisiensi produksi, menyederhanakan manajemen dengan kontrol kualitas yang ditingkatkan.
Kami menghadirkan inovasi teknis yang bermanfaat bagi semua orang melalui inovasi dan kemajuan berkelanjutan. Huasheng menawarkan solusi khusus untuk setiap pelanggan yang memenuhi dan melampaui harapan.
* Kerjasama dengan universitas, 90+ insinyur R&D * 100+ paten yang valid * Lulus sertifikasi sistem ISO9001 dan API. Sistem manajemen mutu yang sempurna
Pakar Anda di bidang Pompa
* Memberikan solusi khusus khusus. * Mendirikan pusat pengujian produk seluas 6.000+m² * Sistem pemantauan cerdas, solusi akurat dan efisien untuk masalah pompa Memberikan solusi khusus khusus.
Mitra Bisnis yang Andal
* Secara fleksibel menyesuaikan siklus pengiriman sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembeli * 15+ tahun pengalaman kerja sama transportasi maritim/kereta api/jalan raya * Tim layanan purna jual profesional
On March 1st, Hefei Huasheng organized an event at the Staff Recreation Center to celebrate International Women's Day. The occasion began with a group photo, followed by the distribution of thoughtfully prepared gifts to the employees, allowing them to feel the company's care and appreciation.
The highlight of the event was a DIY traditional flower-pressed lamp-making session, where the company invited an expert to guide the . The employees showcased their creativity, making unique lamps. The atmosphere was lively, with plenty of interaction and bonding among the participants.
The event concluded with employees’ enjoyment and satisfaction with their DYIs. The activity held successfully reflected a good collaboration among employees and a great support from the company by providing a stable and incentive platform to each of us.
On February 28, 2025, the Huasheng Forum kicked off its February session. Mr. Zhang Yifei, Senior Executive Assistant to the Chairman, drawing upon his over 20 years of experience in the petrochemical pump industry, delivered a lecture titled “Quality Management Practices of International Leading Pump Enterprises”
With rich experiences in top global enterprises, Mr. Zhang emphasized that "product quality is what customers perceive." He delved into critical aspects such as product standardization documentation, supplier selection, procurement models, and manufacturing quality control, placing particular emphasis on Bill of Materials (BOM) management. To inspire the engineers, he recounted stories of Chinese scientists involved in the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" project, highlighting their commitment and decision-making excellence.
In conjunction with the company’s existing quality management system, Mr. Zhang proposed improvement strategies and outlined the steps next. Leading by our company top executives and divisional key representatives over 80 personnel joined the seminar which increased team engagement and enriched staff mindset.
On the morning of February 17, a group of enterprises and entrepreneurs were commended at the Changfeng County Conference on Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity and Building a World-Class New Energy Vehicle City. Our company won three honors: the 2024 "Double Recruitment and Double Introduction" Special Contribution Award, the 2024 Excellent Innovative Enterprise Award, and the 2024 Manufacturing Strong County Special Contribution Award.
This commendation is a high recognition of our company's past efforts, and it is also an exciting horn to start a new journey. Under the wave of vigorous development of new quality productivity, Huasheng Pumps will take this commendation as an opportunity to continue to deepen the field of pumps, strengthen the effectiveness of "double recruitment and double introduction", and contribute to the manufacturing strong county of Changfeng County, create more achievements, and write a more brilliant corporate chapter.
Senin 21/11 - Rabu 23/11: 09.00 - 20.00 Kam 24/11: tutup - Selamat Hari Thanksgiving! Jum, 25/11: 08.00 - 22.00 Sabtu 26/11 - Minggu 27/11: 10.00 - 21.00 (semua jam adalah Waktu Bagian Timur)